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Elena Kalis | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Foto:Chemistry15-Apr-2011 23:11
In awe of your vision! Keep up the good work, Best...Anya Kai (Shannon)
Sherrel 01-Mar-2011 04:00
Your very beautiful C:
Parsa Khaksar16-Dec-2010 22:27
Amazing! Great work!
Larry Hill11-Jul-2009 01:20
I am deeply impressed by the luminous clarity of your photography. It gives me something to aspire to. Thanks for sharing!
Guest 04-May-2009 05:28
Hi Elena,
Great work, it transmits peace, your subjects seem comfortable and confident, that is something you achieve, you make them feel fine when you photograph them. I find difficult to photograph local people or as you travel to other countries.
Beautiful work!!
Guest 08-Aug-2008 12:30
Out of this world. I'd love to know how you found this vision and independent thinking for photography. Absolutely amazing work!
Bill Warren07-May-2008 20:36
Whenever I get feeling cocky about my image quality, I come here and get a good dose of humble. Bill
Dan the Man14-Apr-2008 19:48
You are a true artist Elena!!! Incredible work you have done here...V V V V V
Colin Clarke23-Dec-2007 11:06
Happy Holidays to you and your lovely family, Elena, and a wonderful and happy 2008. Cheers, Colin
Konrad Busslinger25-Nov-2007 14:41
You have a great gallery, thanks for sharing it. Would be agreat pleasure to get your locked album! Tanks V
cbjphoto19-Nov-2007 15:56
Thank you for sharing such beautiful work. Would love to see more!

Guest 02-Nov-2007 02:16
Brilliant. Brilliant. Brilliant. Beautiful.
Gus Rosenfeld04-Oct-2007 00:41
I feel such a sense of fortification after viewing a sample of your work. Incredible intersection of technique and artful instinct! Such a respectful use of surrounding detail and synergistic imaging, it over-powers the viewer. Great work Elena! g
Martha Albuquerque25-Sep-2007 13:42
You are a fabulous photographer and artist! Bravo! Brilliant work!
All the best!
anuschka25-Sep-2007 09:54
I am just in awe and admiration, your images move me big time. Thanks.
Ken24-Sep-2007 08:14
Your photographs left me speechless !! Absolutely amazing, well done and keep up the terrific work.

Please may I have the pass for the locked album ?

Thank you

Guest 23-Sep-2007 22:25
Love your amazing portraits. Absolutely original. You are an artist indeed. Keep clicking!
Peter Chou22-Sep-2007 05:26
Fantastic portraits! Most excellent technique. Please keep the photos coming!
Focus21-Sep-2007 23:05
Your work is absolutely have certainly raised the bar for us at Pbase. Welcome, and please continue to post. You have a great talent. Thanks for sharing. You are now on my favorites list...........
Sue Roberts24-Aug-2007 13:07
i found your galleries by accident but i put them on my favorites list immediately! you are an amazing artist with fantastic, original work that astounds me.
more please!