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Eric Pouhier | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:01
Nice site updates
artist04-Aug-2012 12:43
Hi ... you are so creative .I like your works so much....I am an artist from Udaipur , India.i paint on canvas, paper etc .. I hope we can be good friends ....

what more can i say .. except keep-smiling ..
Angela 01-Oct-2010 20:15
Hello Eric...I came across your website while searching for photos of via found your site. I am most impressed with your high quality images and very much like your persepctives...I recentyl had the opportunity to visit Italy, where I spent 10 days shooting pictures...I cannot say that I have found anything of much interest in the US....thank you for taking me to places unknow and unseen by me and through your mind's eye...a fan from Dallas, Texas USA
Rosemarie Kusserow02-Nov-2009 09:00
Your architecture galleries I was looking at are really amazing, I enjoyed, thanks for posting, Rosemarie :o
Guest 12-Sep-2009 09:25

I'm a passionate photographer of historical architecture just like you (currently in Portugal), and I must congratulate you for the amazing work you're presenting here.

With no doubt you're among the best I've seen. Compelling compositions, great use of light and colors... inspiring work! :-)

Not to mention the wonderful monuments (and so well preserved) you've got in France.

Best regards,
José Elias
Rosemarie Kusserow06-May-2009 04:20
Hi Eric, I´m glad to find your wonderful works here and I put you to my favorities to have the possibility to enjoy again when I have more time, I´m amazed about what I see so far, your b/w gallery was a plesure to view at, regards, Rosemarie :o)
Gerard Koehl27-Oct-2008 17:39
Merci pour votre commentaire et merci de m'avoir fait découvrir vos merveilles galeries. J'y reviendrais plus en détails lorsque j'aurai plus de temps. Je vous ai ajouté à ma liste de favoris.

shane 30-Sep-2008 01:32
Lovely photos of Versailles.
Barababy12-Jul-2008 07:09
I really admire people who have more talent than I do. I admire you!
iva_de11-Feb-2008 18:16
An absolutely stunning gallery! Thank you for Paris!
Christian Lallier14-Jan-2008 18:08
de très jolies choses même si je trouve ça inégal sur les compositions.
Guest 24-Dec-2007 18:17
very nice work, really impressed
Rehan Siddique, UK
Rafa Prades [leoman]07-Nov-2007 13:21
Thank you for your comments. You have a very interesting collection of galleries with good photographs. Thank you and greetings
Douglas Mathurin27-Aug-2007 03:31
Your photo's are great. I've reffered to them often in my work.
Guest 26-Jul-2007 06:53
There is not one photo in your galleries I did not Love. Your Work is truly Amazing!
I'm maybe new to photography but after I looked at all the photos you have here I found every single one Perfect.
Denis Vincelette20-Jul-2007 23:35
Bonjour M Pouhier.

Maintes fois je me suis arrêté sur vos galleries pour y admirer vos merveilleuses photographies et pour nourir mon cerveau de connaissances de certaines beautés de ce monde que j'ignore et qui est loin de chez moi. Vos choix de sujets sont absolument fabuleux et votre talent de photographe respire par vos images. Continuez de saisir ce que nous ne pouvons voir et de nous partager ces endroits est remarquable. Bravo et encore Bravo !
Pierre Schneider07-Jun-2007 18:51
Je découvre de superbes galeries. Les compositions sont très bien faites. Joli travail. Bravo. Dans mes favoris.
jose luis02-May-2007 22:26
wow wow wow fantastic works, thanks. Jose
Guest 20-Apr-2007 08:26
Dear Eric,
You have so beautifuly photos in yours portfolio...Excellent my friend...Excellent work...Greetings from Montenegro and i will come back with pleasure...
Marc de Kleijn25-Feb-2007 12:23
Hi Eric,

Love you work. Especially the Normandy pictures. I was visiting there last December.

Best regards,

André Bessot28-Dec-2006 08:13
Je prends toujours autant de plaisir à voyager parmi vos images et j'en profite pour vous souhaiter une excellente année 2007.
Bien cordialement.
Jim Hakvoort24-Dec-2006 23:58
As a member of my 'favorit artists' list I want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy 2007. In the new year I hope I will be able to enjoy your work as much as I did last year.

roulette 28-Nov-2006 05:13
u have the beauty site
Eduard Lampe23-Oct-2006 13:58
Outstanding galleries! Thx for sharing. Gr. Eduard
Guest 23-Sep-2006 19:11
Beautiful gallery with outstanding photos. Congratulation.
Guest 21-Aug-2006 08:45
Toujours aussi beau. J'aime vraiment tes photos d'eglise et leurs cadrages justes et précis. Je suis par contre beaucoup plus réservé quand à l'utilisation des outils tons clairs/tons foncés ou fill light de RSE que tu sembles utiliser en masse sur tes dernières photos.
André Bessot26-Jul-2006 07:02
Bravo pour ces images du Mont St-Michel, notamment la vue d'ensemble. Beaucoup de souvenirs remontent à la surface en visionnant cette galerie. Merci beaucoup pour le voyage.
Bien cordialement et à bientôt
Alain BASSIERE24-Jul-2006 09:23
Superbes photos, superbes galleries, même si tous ces gros "(c)" gâchent un peu (beaucoup ?) le plaisir.
Félicitations. Voté et ajouté aux "favourite artits" !
A bientôt. ABV
Guest 20-Jun-2006 13:59
Inspirational stuff. Added to my favourites, and will no doubt be voting for each gallery of yours as I work through.

Well done.
Tony Ramos 02-Jun-2006 21:56
One of the best galleries at Pbase,
jacques Vernest 14-May-2006 08:09
Quel bonheur regarder Paris a travers votre camera
Jacques Vernest
Gand Belgique
Zahi Samardali 10-May-2006 13:15
Through your talented successful shots I enjoy the views and the sites of the old beautiful constructions " Je n'ai jamais vu d'aussi belles galleri, specialement les ancienne eglises d'Europe
Zahi Samardali..
Ian 09-May-2006 21:09
You have to know that you have captured some beautiful images, thankyou and bon courage.
Guest 08-May-2006 01:36
Very impressive work here in your galleries.
Very enjoyable site.
Guest 01-May-2006 02:51
Your pictures are simply amazing!
Herve Blandin04-Apr-2006 20:50
du beau travail d' orfevre, Eric, ces galleries de photos vous appartenant, et toujours inspire, dans de belles luminosites. Merci.
Guest 21-Mar-2006 00:18
Beautiful photos!
Rosa 20-Mar-2006 07:12
Great Site! well Done! Real Work!
Rinse 18-Mar-2006 17:04
Òåñòîâîå ñîîáùåíèå
Cambraniz 10-Mar-2006 15:22
Quel coup d'oeil ! C'est magistral. En tant que Coutançais, mention spéciale pour les photos de la cathédrale. Les photos de la Manche sont superbes elles aussi. Tant qu'à celles de la Défense, pour y être allé souvent, (pour le boulot, pas la photo) elles sont tout simplement sublimes.
Photo Club Pavillonnais01-Jan-2006 09:28
Votre passage sur notre galerie m'a permis de découvrir votre travail. Et sans complaisance, en apprécier sa qualité.
Dominique Dumas
Philippe M. Chemin02-Dec-2005 12:20
Bonjour Eric, j'apprécie beaucoup tes splendides photos. Je te remercie de m'avoir fait découvrir pbase lorsque je t'ai rencontré en train de faire un panoramique au Jardin des Plantes.
Depuis mes premières images fin octobre et ton message de bienvenue sur pbase j'essaie d'en donner plus! ;o)
Hello Eric, I really like your great pictures. Thank you for making me discover pbase when I met you doing a panorama in the Jardin des Plantes.
Since my first pictures published at the end of October and your message of welcome on pbase I try to give you more! ;o)
Philippe Chemin
Guest 22-Oct-2005 14:39
Thank you for the kind words about my gallery. I really enjoyed yours as well. The street art in Paris is wonderful. I am impressed with the quality of your C8080.
Best regards!
Benoit Durocher Photographie16-Oct-2005 20:50
Bonjour Éric , merci pour ta visite ainsi que tes bons commentaires (et ton vote) c'est très apprécié.Tu a toi-même de superbes photos. Et je ne peux m'empêcher d'avoir un petit pincement quand je vois la qualité d'image que produit la C-8080. Bien que je sois satisfait de ma Panasonic , mon premier choix était la C-8080.
Je compte bien revenir sur ton site.
Guenter Eh11-Oct-2005 19:49
Hi Eric,
thanks for visiting my tiny galleries und comments! With all the commentators here I will force you, to keep posting your excellent images!
Kind regards
Jarek M10-Oct-2005 13:23
Eric, thank you for visiting ma gallery and kind your comments. I enjoy your work immensely and I am looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
Bob Rhéaume31-Aug-2005 03:00
Hello, Eric! You have some very fine images made with the 8080 - certainly among the best I've seen. I thoroughly enjoyed perusing your galleries, and I particularly like your Chroma and 20th century Architecture galleries.

Kind regards,
Bob Rheaume
Guest 29-Aug-2005 07:49
Merci pour vos commentaires sur mes photos. J'apprécie beaucoup les vôtres, même si je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de toutes les voir. J'apprécie tout particulièrement celles de Paris et la série sur les Pyrénées. Mais il m'en reste encore beaucoup à voir...
Brando Ho21-Aug-2005 18:08
Hello Eric,
You have some very interesting galleries. You can put together many subjects, colors and people into a composition of a nice photos. I like your photo style....keep up the good work.
Guest 16-Aug-2005 01:03
Your style is very clean, straightforward and direct, with lovely results.
Peter Chou04-Aug-2005 12:56
Hi Eric,

Thanks for visiting my gallery and you have great shots too! Do keep the photos coming!

Jim Woodworth22-Jul-2005 19:44
The variety of your images is impressive, but the quality is even more impressive.

Keep posting - Paris has never looked better.

Thanks for visiting my galleries and leaving your message.

Jean-Luc Elias20-Jul-2005 07:52
Merci pour votre reaction sur mes photo's.Vous avez vous mêmes une fameuse collection de belles photo's.Vous avez l'âme et l'oêil d'un vrai artist.
Kelvin Tan18-Jul-2005 06:17
Thanks for leaving a kind note in my galleries! Some cool work in yours!
J.C. Richardson III09-Jul-2005 20:36
Hi Eric, You have some great Galleries and very,very nice work.
Tim O'Donnell19-Jun-2005 18:57
Thanks for the comments on my gallerie pictures. Most of what I do is experimental and I am having alot of fun at it. I started drawing on the computer first than I added some photos. I make no claim of being a photographer but I do recognize good photograpy and that is what I am seeing on your galleries.
Best regards,
Tim O'Donnell
Guest 22-May-2005 17:17
Hello,Eric ! Thanks for comments about my picthurs. Ilooked your fhoto galleries Thise is greate .I am from Russia end my english is not good.Sorry. I love France.I have a lot books about French history end culture.One my dream is Paris.Thanks again for your art.
Aleks Bresler