I have seen your surf shots on pbase and really like your work. I have a new photography forum and we have a section dedicated to surfing where you can share your work, get comment/critique on it, and can also help others by leaving comment/critique on their work. We have a really great group of guys on there and would love for you to join and share you work too.
Hope to see you on the site
Ryan Miller; Owner & Founder pixelperfectforum.com
21-Feb-2008 23:50
Hey, my name is Cat. I am trying to learn more about my family history, and I know that I am mostly Dutch and German. I searched "samwel family", samwel being my last name, and your site came up. I saw that it said you were a Dutchman in Massechusates (i know i didnt spell that right, i just dont feel like fixing it) and it seemed to me quite likely you are related to me, if only distantly. my email is purekit@aim.com if you wanna email me, but just for safety, if your a stocker we have our ways of defending ourselves.
10-Nov-2007 16:06
I love the variety of subjects you've brought to the table. It shows your diverse talent. Very inspirational!