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Gavin's Recent Galleries

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07-Oct-2018 16:42
:: Dundee. ::
07-Oct-2018 16:36
:: Angus. ::
15-Jul-2018 01:52
:: Glencoe... ::
22-Feb-2018 23:30
The Kingdom of Fife
:: The Kingdom of Fife ::
29-Oct-2016 14:42
Lake District.
:: Lake District. ::
27-Oct-2015 18:30
North Yorkshire.
:: North Yorkshire. ::
03-Sep-2015 17:49
Mostly Portraits.
:: Mostly Portraits. ::
25-Jul-2015 14:54
Crosby Beach.
:: Crosby Beach. ::
14-May-2014 20:30
:: Family. ::
06-Mar-2014 00:31
Long Exposure.
:: Long Exposure. ::
07-Oct-2013 19:02
Rannoch Moor.
:: Rannoch Moor. ::
06-Oct-2013 10:30
Sunrise Sunset.
:: Sunrise Sunset. ::