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Guest 15-Aug-2024 08:59
Prince 13-Jun-2024 15:49
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barbarajoy17-Sep-2020 05:19
Where are you Hamery? We miss you and hope you are OK.
janescottcumming27-Jul-2018 14:59
Hamery, I agree with Jim. We miss you here at Pbase! Hope all is well.
Jim Coffman05-Apr-2018 14:43
Hamery,please come back to Pbase!!
May Hamnes10-Jan-2016 10:41
Thank you for your kind comment !
Kim08-Dec-2015 22:55
Hi Hamery!!
Nice of you to think of me!!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, to you and Yours!!
Best wishes,
Andy Rowlands30-Nov-2015 18:02
Hi Hamery, many thanks for visiting my gallery and for your kind comments. I also wish you a Merry Christmas! Best wishes, Andy
kinta16-Aug-2015 10:00
Dear Harmery! Thank you so much your kind word and comments n my gallery and photos. I love your colorful and well considerede composition. I would like to ask you to keep in touch! kinta
Martha Albuquerque23-Jul-2015 14:13
Hamery! Thank you for stopping by, for the awessome comments and support! You have a splendid photography! So much to see and learn from it. Love your style and way to see things :) Hugs from Rio!
camelia13-Jul-2015 08:28
Hey, love your flowers pictures. Im actually a fan of all natural stuff and my favorite passion is to take picture oustide of the box you know what I mean ? Not doing stuff inside but just go out, travel and take pic of everything worth it.

Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:23
I love your style !
John Medlin25-Apr-2015 23:35
thanks, Hamery, for your comments. My sympathies to you and your wife for having to give up that beautiful dog.
Jihad Jean Chahine25-Apr-2015 18:28
Thank you for visiting my galleries. I appreciate your comments! Keep the great work coming!
barbarajoy19-Apr-2015 07:18
Just to tell you how I enjoy your photos and to thank you for all the great comments you post for me. It means you really look at my work and it is so much appreciated. I do enjoy your thoughtful comments and wish you well, Hamery.
Gerard Koehl10-Apr-2015 17:11
Merci pour votre passage et vos commentaires. J'apprécie beaucoup votre travail photographique. Je m'excuse, je ne parle pas l'anglais, j'utilise un traducteur pour vous lire.
Je vous ai ajouté dans mes favoris.
Kim03-Apr-2015 19:38
Thank You for all your kind comments and for sharing your beautiful photography! It's a pleasure meeting you here!

Robert Tallent07-Mar-2015 21:12
Thank you for your visits and kind comments on my pictures. I, too, after many years with Canon, switched to Fuji!
Zoltán Balogh15-Feb-2015 12:48
Thanks for your visit and nice comment in my guestbook, it is highly appreciated. Wishing you and your loved ones an eventful and very nice 2015! :)

Jarek M13-Jan-2015 01:11

Thanks for visiting and posting a comment. Much appreciated.

Wong Tsu Shi01-Jan-2015 03:02
Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, hamery, all the best.
Duff Hughes27-Dec-2014 05:28
Happy New Year to you! Thank you for visiting, Hamery!
lovediary24-Dec-2014 19:21
Merry Christmas to you my friend, all the best.

John Medlin13-Nov-2014 01:07
thank you, Hamery, for liking my flowers. I couldn't see any of yours--but there is VERY much I need to learn about pbase. Sylvester
831Infrared08-Nov-2014 18:53
Looking forward to seeing more of your work from The Other Side.. !