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Jolene Bean's Recent Galleries

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04-Mar-2013 18:02
They call it country (West Side, Somerset, Bermuda)
:: They call it country (West Side, Somerset, Bermuda) ::
24-Sep-2012 00:54
Bermuda's hurricane season
:: Bermuda's hurricane season ::
07-Apr-2012 19:20
 Mostly Dockyard, Bermuda
::  Mostly Dockyard, Bermuda ::
06-Apr-2012 19:47
Walk about Istanbul
:: Walk about Istanbul ::
19-Sep-2010 16:19
Hurricane Igor
:: Hurricane Igor ::
04-Jul-2009 17:26
Tall Ships 2009 Challenge: Bermuda
:: Tall Ships 2009 Challenge: Bermuda ::
24-Jan-2009 17:11
Men at work
:: Men at work ::
24-Jan-2009 17:04
:: Portraits ::
18-Dec-2008 16:11
Bermuda: Wadson Farms
:: Bermuda: Wadson Farms ::
02-Aug-2008 23:04
Bermuda: Streets of Hamilton (2008)
:: Bermuda: Streets of Hamilton (2008) ::
27-Jul-2008 21:48
Summer colors
:: Summer colors ::
21-Jul-2008 02:14
Whale Bay: Cousin Erna's picnic
:: Whale Bay: Cousin Erna's picnic ::