Galleries have been classified. All of them that you have seen in the past are still here. Namely; MY RIDE, MY HOBBIES gallery, this is where i would dump all the boys stuff, cars, photogrpahy audio, shooting etc. BAS Buddies have been classified into one folder due to the numerous events that have taken place. EVENTS & TRAVEL, is where family and friends gather in different places and moments.
In the last three months more folders have been added to the gallery. Latest addition would be the panoramic folder which is my first effort with the Horizon 202 camera.
The Russian Horizon 202 is a fully mechanical 35 mm camera with a 28 mm (f2.8-f16) swing lens design covering 120° horizontally and 45° vertically. It is manufactured by KMZ – Krasnogorsky Mekhanichesky Zavod (Krasnogorsk Mechanical Plant) – in Krasnogorsk. KMZ is also known for the Zenit and Zorki cameras and is the largest producer of photographic equipment in Russia and the former Soviet countries.
Another addition to my recently acquired Canon EOS 1D Markll, would be a 2nd hand Canon EOS 1V HS film body. In the future, i hope to start posting 35mm positive or negative scanned photographs. The Horizon 202 film camera had some nostalgic effect. UPDATE: Watch out for postings of more Panoramic Photography. In addition to my Horizon 202, I got a HASSELBLAD XPAN ll.
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