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Marielou Dhumez | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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perrin 04-Jun-2024 05:43
Bonjour Je cherche à vous joindre car l'éditeur Lharmattan a besoin de votre accord pour publier une de vos photos en illustration d'un livre sur Theodore Monod . Chantal perrin 0615208081
franz26-Dec-2015 06:56
Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année Amiga!
bett 20-Mar-2014 16:23
n 13th March 2014, I left a request if possible can I buy a copy of one or two of your photo. thankyou
Guest 13-Mar-2014 17:00
Marielou, Is it possible to buy a copy of one or two of your amazing photo's. I have started to learn to paint just two years and would love to paint from two of your phots. thankyou bett
franz25-Dec-2013 08:48
Joyeux Noel et bonnes fetes a toi Amiga!
franz01-Jan-2013 14:02
Bonne Annee a la baroudeuse!
franz24-Dec-2011 20:09
Chere Marielou je te souhaite un Joyeux Noel! Bien amicalement
Stephanie22-Dec-2011 23:59
Bonjour Marielou ~
I just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years!
Steph :)
Guest 20-Apr-2011 18:05
Marielou, it's been a real pleasure for me to discover your splendid galleries. I like the flower galleries a lot, but most of all your photos from Africa make me want to book the next flight south. Wonderful work! Take care, John
paolo 19-Mar-2011 19:12
mi è piaciuto vedere il mio affresco dipinto nella chiesa di zermatt, complimenti...Paolo
Irena Jurecic08-Feb-2011 14:09
Thank you for your comments. Greetings!
EyeCatS18-Jan-2011 00:17
Thank you Marielou. I have a series of inducers but I fear if I show them all at once
it may cause a panic in the aspirin industry.
I hope I'll see you again soon.
Your galleries are awesome also.
Jack Dadourian19-Oct-2010 19:36

Your work is very inspiring. I love all your galleries, from Meditation to Architecture, Namibia and the animals. Your page is now bookmarked.

Thanks for visiting my site and for leaving such nice comments. C'est doublement gratifiant venant d'une personne aussi talentueuse.

christer29-Sep-2010 16:18

Wonderful collection of birds.Nice shot on Roller.

Christer Brostam
lisapolidora27-Sep-2010 17:59
Your gallery is gorgeous. There are just too many to comment on! What beauty! The birds are fantastic and the portraits stunning! You have a great talent!
Gene Zonis22-Sep-2010 12:11
Thank you for your kind comment. Coming from such a tremendous
photographer as yourself it is indeed high praise. Thank you.
Gene Zonis
Maja Waiss19-Sep-2010 18:40
Your images are great!!
Paul Levesque13-Sep-2010 09:07
Thank you for visiting my galeries gave me a chance to discorver your wonderful photography.Well done!!!
Denise28-Aug-2010 00:29
Thanks for stopping by my new Yosemite Favorites gallery! Come back again, I wasn't done adding the photos ;-)) I love your flower gallery it is stunning. I would love your input on my flower images!! I will be back to visit again.
slhoornstra25-Aug-2010 19:50
Hello! I am so pleased to meet you. It seems we share not only some of the same equipment, but the same idea of beauty. I am inspired by your talent and beautiful work and I will view it each day for sure!!
A bientot,
Guest 11-Aug-2010 09:53
You have stunning pictures of a country I dearly love. Where did you take the wildlife shots? Etosha?
I would like your opinion on my shots too. Look at
Keep doing what you are doing!
Jonas Rosquist22-Jul-2010 20:50
Hi Marielou,
Your galleries are really great. Good work!
Catherine Post (cmg301) 01-May-2010 21:11
Merci beaucoup!
Namibia was indeed beautiful - my husband knew Chris Nel from a previous trip and figured I'd be enchanted by the "Little 5" tour...and I was.
lalancette27-Feb-2010 14:25
Your galleries are so beautiful. I enjoyed the pinkfloyd songs album. It was great travelling through your imags. I also want a photo vest just like yours but can't find them anywhere!
susan hiatt18-Apr-2009 02:44
My time ran out, I will return to see all your pictures, beautiFULL
thanks for sharing and all your time.....
Maaike Huizer21-Mar-2009 08:27
I enjoyed visiting your galleries, You have a great eye for photography. The galleries and pictures are well presented and above all: every image is balanced in composition, exposure and tone. What a talent!
I have made you one of my favourites and will be back.
Guest 28-Feb-2009 14:26
Very nice gallery , I enjoyed to be here, I will visit your gallery often.. take care from a Brazilian living in China
dominique 08-Jan-2009 16:26

de la part de ta cousine mreci pour ces merveilles tu a des photos magnifique en les regardant c est un voyage des yeux bisous
sylvie 08-Jan-2009 16:24
bonjour loulette, nous sommes allées avec domi sur ton site toutes tes photos sont super belles félicitations(les miennes a coté sont quelconques , ce site est en anglais mais je voulais te félicité pour ce magnifique travail.sylvie
Guest 16-Jan-2008 21:50
Hi Marielou,
Your photos are very inspiring.
You are using lensen from 10-20mm. The pictures are so amazing, zo beautiful. I added you to my favorites. Yjanks for sharing your good work!
Regards, Ieke
Guest 20-Oct-2007 12:19

I've really enjoyed browsing your galleries. They put mine to shame!!! And I love that you've uploaded larger images which really enhance the enjoyment of your obvious talent.
Guest 15-Jun-2007 10:38
This is stellar work. If I ever see you, I might just ask for your signature.
borisalex24-May-2007 05:51
Bonjour Madame,
Thank you for commenting on my work! I appreciated it very much from an artist like you.
A bientot a votre gallerie!
Gilles Dehérand25-Mar-2007 08:21
Bonjour Marielou,
Suite au doux message laissé sur mon site (avec en plus une évocation de Jacques Brel, mon chanteur favori!), je suis arrivé sur votre site.
Ce fut un véritable bonheur de parcourir vos galeries! Quelle qualité!
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:28
You're 11 on my scale of 10.
Guest 20-Feb-2007 18:48
Nice Gallery
Agostino Faggiotto18-Feb-2007 10:20
Marielou, I enjoyed your pictures.
I love your photographic eye for composition and creativity.
Great work!
Fred Relaix04-Feb-2007 22:29
Marielou, merci d'avoir laissé un message sur mes galleries, cela m'a permis de découvrir les votres, qui sont absolument magnifiques! Je reviendrai pour plus, a bientot,
Guest 01-Aug-2006 07:59
j´aime beaucoup votres galleries. Specialment Morocco c´est magnifique.
Thanks for sharing,
salutations, Volker
Alain-Philippe BAUDRY-KNOPS30-Jun-2006 13:38
J'aime beaucoup le regard que vous portez sur les choses ou les gens.
Le regard d'une femme est diffèrent de celui d'un homme je trouve, certaines petites choses nous échappent. Beau travail
Guest 20-Jun-2006 00:12
Dear Marielou,
Thank you s much for visiting and for your wonderful commenting!
I'll be back for more of your beautiful work...
Best regards
Guest 26-Feb-2006 14:11
Bonjour madame.
Thanks for the nice feeling witch I have after visit your galery. So nice! Z.Lahvac
Guest 21-Feb-2006 11:40
Thanks for your kindly comment,regards, Jelenko
Stan Richard23-Jan-2006 21:41
Marielou, thank you for those nice comments on my Winter's dawn image, they are much appreciated. Cheers! Stan
Guest 17-Jan-2006 08:49
Amie de la grande roue bonjour !
J'ai pris le temps de parcourir ces nombreuses galeries, mais aussi celles sur, qui cachent d'autres petits trésors...
Quel éclectisme ! Et dire que certains conseillent de se cantonner à un seul genre, sous entendu toute une vie ne suffit pas pour en faire le tour, ce serait dommage en l'occurence...
Presque tous les thèmes sont abordés avec bonheur, sauf... ah ah... la photographie sportive, mais je suis sûr que ça viendra...
Quel travail en tout cas... On sent bien qu'il y a derrière tout ça une sacrée passion et une solide culture picturale, on le voit dans certaines natures mortes, versions modernisées de peintres flamands, dans les compositions, les lignes et les couleurs, une touche de surréalisme, ou le bleu Klein de la villa Majorelle.
En prime le très rare Zanzibar !
J'ai croisé au passage quelques endroits qui me sont familiers, comme Ville-d'Avray, Vérone, ou... Brive la gaillarde...
Une bien belle galerie en tout cas, que l'on visite comme une exposition, avec beaucoup de plaisir.
Pour ce qui me concerne, maintenant que je suis équipé du matériel adéquat, et que j'aime bien les musées, je vais me lancer dans une série sur ce thème, j'ai commencé par le Petit Palais. Je suis sûr que ça vous plaiera.
Je pense que nous aurons souvent l'occasion de nous croiser sur Pbase.
Bonne année 2006 et à bientôt
Jeff Cochran27-Dec-2005 15:19
Great galleries, Cheers.
Photo Club Pavillonnais11-Dec-2005 16:52
J'ai beaucoup aimé me promener dans vos galeries. Travail très impressionnant. Et parfois un travail avec photoshop, utilisé comme un outil au service d'une idée et non pas l'inverse.
Dominique Dumas
Guest 08-Nov-2005 20:31
Great job. You have such nice and creative pictures.
Collin Ghosh 07-Nov-2005 01:02
Excellent Gallery !!!
Jean-Claude Liehn05-Nov-2005 18:09
Madame, assez nouveau venu sur PBase, je viens de découvrir votre travail. Sachez qu'il me plaît beaucoup, parce qu'il est bien fait et que vous photographiez des sujets auquels je suis aussi sensible. Vous venez, promptement, de rejoindre la liste de mes favorits (j'imagine que l'on ne doit pas féminiser ce nom !)
joe baker 02-Nov-2005 02:53
wonderful work marielou; you should be very proud
Ron Asp29-Oct-2005 13:52
Marielou, Looked at all your galleries and found them interesting and well done, like the Tanzaniz and South of France photos..Thanks for sharing...Ron
Eric Pouhier01-Sep-2005 15:03
Thank you so much for visiting my gallery, the link you left on the 'grande arche' image works and I've seen many great photos from you, there and here at Pbase. You have many many fantastic architectural pictures, I'm adding you to my favorite artists list. Encore merci, ERic
Anne Young19-Aug-2005 20:06
Thank you so much for visiting my gallery. I enjoyed my trip through your site as well. There is so much variety in your photos.
Guest 05-Aug-2005 18:36
Marielou, your photos are very inspiring. You are very creative. thanks for sharing.
Brussels Sprout28-Jul-2005 22:44
Très belles galleries. J'ai particulièrement apprécier Zanzibar, le Maroc et Transparences
Guest 08-Jul-2005 22:59
Marielou....what a wonderful surprise, stumbling upon your monochrome gallery in pbases random "popular galleries". You've got a great eye and great technique. There's something special that I can't quite put my finger on -- that's what makes it so compelling. Thanks for sharing these.
Guest 29-Jun-2005 13:07

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work

gerard belbeoch25-Jun-2005 11:55
Un coucou pour repondre à ton choix d'objectif macro,à cette adresse ,toutes les photos ont étées prises au 105 mm micro nikor 2,8 D........amitiés
Guest 02-Jun-2005 06:18
Thanks for your comment.The location is Crete Greece.
Angel Gonzalez Molero30-May-2005 10:44
I took a look at your galleries, and enjoyed my visit very much. You have a very interesting assortment of photographs. You are very high media level all of your galleries have samethins specials
Thanks for share your photos
Guest 15-May-2005 23:25
Top Galleries! Totally Excellent images! Wonderful!!.........Mac UK
giorgiopieroni27-Mar-2005 18:43
Dear Marielou, I'm glad to see You on this site, I'm here from few days, but I like it, so I will stay. One time more together.....!!!!!
Dan Chusid05-Mar-2005 19:44
Thanks for the note Marielou!

Yes, I used to be on Photopoints but got bored with it.
Too busy these days running several groups including
two local photography groups here in San Diego.
Hope you are well and enjoying your photography!

- Dan
Serena Bowles31-Jan-2005 18:22
I've just been perusing your galleries. I really like your photos; you have a stunning collection on photonet too.

Great stuff, keep up the good work
Susan, Lily Editor 22-Jan-2005 04:07
Dear Marielou,

I have enjoyed viewing your photos very much. They're wonderful!

I'm the editor of Lily - a monthly online literary review. In addition to poetry and fiction, I seek to publish the work of talented photographers like yourself.

I'd love to publish some of your photos in the upcoming issue of Lily. Please take a look at Lily at and let me know if you'd be interested in this.

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Susan, Lily Editor
Guest 17-Jan-2005 13:29
Hello Marielou,

I see we have about the same "eyes" would like to see more! Post more!

kind regards
richard smits
Guest 09-Jan-2005 12:03
Unfortunatelly I cannot write in French, but anyway, I would like to thank you of sharing your Images with me. Well done, you are really great.
Gilles Navet17-Dec-2004 15:37
Bonjour Marielou,
Tu as réalisé une belle première galerie sur un pays que j'aime énormément.
J'espère que tu va nous en donner plus, les traitements réalisés sur tes images de la "ménara" sont superbe.
A bientôt
Marie-Hélène Raletz15-Dec-2004 15:41
Coucou Marielou!
Ravie de te retrouver ici!
... et merci de ton petit mot sur mon guest book!
J'espère que tu vas ouvrir de nombreuses galleries, j'aurai ainsi le double plaisir de commenter tes photos sur PP et pbase (qui sont en fait 2 sites complémentaires à mes yeux)
Je vois que tes vacances récentes te fournissent une belle entrée en matière!
Amitiés & bises décembresques....
:) Marie